Version downloads and complete release notes
FreeRADIUS is developed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2), and is free for download and use. Commercial support is available from NetworkRADIUS.
Download Latest Versions
All releases are signed with the PGP key
Older Releases
Older releases are no longer actively maintained, and no help or support for these versions will be provided. These systems should be upgrade to version 3 as soon as possible.
They may be signed with the PGP key
Older releases are available here.
Packages and source code
Visit the FreeRADIUS GitHub page for the "git" repository of the FreeRADIUS server. Other projects are accessible through the FreeRADIUS GitHub project page.
A limited number of binary installable packages for several common operating systems are provided by the project's commercial sponsor, NetworkRADIUS.